Monday, September 17, 2012

1 Year and 1 Month Later

I know you are supposed to post on your 1 year anniversary. Well I color outside the box. I am doing a 1 year 1 month post! It has been a long year, a stressful year, an emotional year, an ever changing year, and mostly a very important year.

Well to start things off, it has been a heck of a 1 year and 1 month! It has been full of change, challenges, happieness, excitement, disappointment, discovery, and lots of decisions.

If you would have asked me before my surgery if I would have been successful I would have said no. I had fears the Gastric Bypass wouldn't have worked. I had night mares that I would have only lost 5 pounds and no further results just like every other diet fad, excercise program and pill that was new on the market.

Today: I am proud of myself. I have learned about the woman I am today, the person who I grew to become, and the Laura I am going to be for the rest of my life.

The biggest change I have found is that I am a happier person, everyday I am happier than the day before just because everyday my health gets better.


I no longer have sleep apnea, close to having diabetes, and all around I have given myself another jump on life. I am going to for sure do it right! I have posted a before picture and an after picture of me. I am proud that I am both of these people. Two totally different people, but 1 in the same.  The person to left is who I used to be. I was depressed and not happy with my life, I had to change myself for the better. The person to the right is who I am today.
 I am proud of what I have become with this surgery, what I have decided what something that took a lot of soul searching and a lot of emotional thought. I have had so much to think about when I decided to get the gastric bypass, how much it would change my life, how much did I really want the surgery, what would others think of me. In the end it was about me, what I wanted, for myself and my future.

From 365 pounds to 205 in 1 year is amazing. I cannot wait until I am 170 pounds. Only 35 more to go. For all of those who have cheered me on please keep up the support. Thank you!!!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Gastric Bypass: Not The Easy Way Out or a Quick Easy Fast Result

My 1 year anniversary is coming up in no less than a month! I cannot believe the progress I have made. I am proud of myself. I have worked hard, set my goals, and took it one step at a time. Emotional rollercoaster and all! I am going to say this, if I don't lose another pound, I'd be happy, if I do get down to my goal weight I am going to extatic!

Weightloss surgery is a tool that you are given to HELP you lose weight, not an easy way to lose weight. I have worked my butt off (literally) to get to where I am at today. I researched the surgery like crazy, I watched on youtube how they did the surgery, I asked friends who have had the surgery both failed and have been sucessful. I joined an online support group, I went to the support group that my surgeon's office holds every month, I stopped going for a while, and I just recently started going back because I felt that I needed the live support from someone who is going through the same things as me.

But this is truly a post not about me and my progress. This is a post about what I have oberved with others who I KNOW have gotten WLS (weightloss surgery) and what I have observed.

I am frustrated with an individual who recently got the surgery. I sit in disbelief as I watch her botch her surgery. She went through the same surgeon as me. Has tried to eat the samethings that I am eating now and I tell her that she shouldn't be eating that and she turns to me and goes, you are eating it! I tell her that I am almost a year out, she is barely two months out. She drinks crystal light and Mio (she used to drink Mio's), I know for a FACT the dr B's office tells you to get rid of artifical sugars and stick strictly to water and unsweetened tea before and after surgery for a while. She INSISTS that Dr B's office told her that it is ok. I also know that you shouldn't be drinking caffine for a while after surgery, but there she sits drinking rockstars (the non carbinated ones). The reason why they tell you not to drink those is because of the artificial sweetener and caffine causes hunger, and you eat more. She eats way more than me still. At two months post op, food made me sick as hell, I didn't eat, I lived off of protien drinks. Just the thought of food made me sick. I haven't seen a weight change in her at all since she has had her surgery. If she has I don't see it. I feel that the only reason she got the surgery was because I got it, to copy me. I did this surgery to save my life, not to become skinny. It makes me sad to see her mess up something that is going to help her. I felt since the beginning of her attempting to get surgery that she wasn't a great candidate, but that wasn't for me to decide.

There is this second girl who had surgery, she doesn't know me. I know who she is. She works for my company. Shortly after I came back from my surgery I was standing in the cafeteria talking to a friend and I told her I wish I could have a soda and carnitas. The girl was in general area and she stated I am not supposed to have these but I am anyways. I knew she had the surgery at that point, I was just standing in disbelief thinking how can she drink that coke and eat those tacos with out dumping and being very very ill? Well almost a year later, she hasn't lost any weight visually, and still has the same eating habits.

I don't understand how people can mess up something that is going to help them. I also don't understand how they can pass the psyc screening if they have the mental tendancies to do this. Those screenings are so indepth and repeated questions. All I have to say is good luck to these two ladies. I hope they get help with these issues once they realize they have them, and they become sucessful with their surgies.

I know this all heartless and I just have to say that I needed to post this because I am frustrated and it needed to be vented somewhere.